Monday, March 16, 2009

Random thoughts

Epic Fail
Heard someone use the word 'Rightsizing' while referring to the lay offs. Yuck!!


I wonder if it's possible to maintain privacy while trying to run a successful small web based business?

New language

I decided to learn Scala and JavaFx. Having struggled with learning a new programming language many times in the past, I realized that my problem is that for a second language, I need a top-down approach instead of the bottom-up approach most programming books offer. Before I learn the dirty details of the syntax, I must grasp the big picture. I want to know how a language compares to Java which is my primary programming language. It is important for me to understand how a new language "does things" before I start learning the syntax. So I have decided to skim through the Scala book first without writing even a single line of code. I'll then give the book another read, this time for the syntax and other granular details. I think it is a good way to learn a second/third language.

As for JavaFx, I am using the online course at

The real reason why we need architects is that in many places (specially big organizations), programmers are not considered important or worthy enough to take any high level design decisions. Having an architect ensures that such decisions are at least coming from someone who has a technical background and experience required to make such decisions. Otherwise, such decisions are left in the hands of inept Project Managers. If there is an architect, project managers usually don’t poke their nose into technical discussions or decision making and leave it to the architect.

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